Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Free Psd Files for Working with Photoshop Tutorials

As we know, a lot of Photoshop Tutorials on the various websites are available for us to practice our skills for Photoshop(CS6). During the practices, I have found that some tutorials are so detailed that the beginners can follow the processes while some are not. In order to simply follow the processes, the free Psd files will be provided for working with the selective Photoshop tutorials below.

The following video is for the third type Psd files

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Enlarge on Calculations of Present Value Formulas in Excel for Continuous Compounding & Perpetuity

We will talk about the rest of PV in this article to complete all previously mentioned. As usual, we use Microsoft Excel to mathematically calculate the formulas or to insert Function to return the solution. Moreover, we will enlarge on the certain formulas by proving the different forms around the bottom of the page or in the link file. Logarithm is also used to calculate the number of the years in the financial formula.

As below, I provide you the picture with the description and the link file to each item. Also note that the two new functions have been used in the link files: EXP and Seriessum.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Financial Formulas and Functions on Microsoft Excel for Present Value

Previously we talked about the future value which is one of the two main types of time value of money. Accordingly, we should continue time value of money to know more about the second type i.e. Present Value called PV for this article.
The point of this article is showing us the calculations of the various financial formulas of PV with Microsoft Excel. Each financial formula and its own pattern and details come along with the calculation of the given values of all elements from the formula in addition to the PV function on Microsoft Excel. As the result, we can choose the right one to match our criteria and know how to exercise it to meet our requirements. To ensure the results of the following pictures and files relevant to the financial formulas mentioned above, the online calculator as below can work with the pictures or files.

1) PV of a Future Sum: Given FV= 300.73 the only one future sum, r= 6% interest, n= 7 the number of years.

Fill in function arguments of PV as follows: Rate= 6%, Nper= 7, FV= -300.73, Type= 0 (end= ordinary) or leave it blank
2) PV of a Future Sum with Compounding: the same as above with the additional compounding per year= 12.

Fill in function arguments of PV as follows: Rate= 6%, Nper= 7*12, FV= -300.73, Type= 0 (end= ordinary) or leave it blank

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Financial Formulas and Functions on Microsoft Excel for Future Value

As we know, Microsoft Excel is the good tool to set up the formulas and functions for calculating the numbers on its spreadsheets and those spreadsheets can range from simple to sophistication upon the ribbon tab settings. However, we have to concentrate the certain formulas and functions out of the several lists to limit the article reading.
The certain formulas and functions which we will be talking about are relative with the future value, a name coming with the following various calculating financial forms.

FV of Single Sum:  The only one principal of 200 is for the whole time of seven years. The picture shows us the details on the spreadsheets while the linking file will tell us how to calculate these details with Microsoft Excel.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

How to fill in the chainladders with the data of the inventory, sales and purchase (part one)

Previously I did a lot the chainladders filled up with the claim data of the insurance business to look into the development and the trend of the incurred claims. Not only I had to find and gather the claim data for those chainladders, but I also did the interpretation and projected the trend of the upcoming incurred claims on the quarterly basis.
At that time the regional team header used to tell me that the other significant business data could also be analyzed through those chainladders. To extend this idea, I have determined the data of the inventory, sales and purchase for the chainladders to give us more business information. See below the example.

Given that the purchase results from the current inventory less the beginning inventory plus sales, we can build the development and the trend of these three items from the actual data at each end of the time from the past to the present and the estimate projected data for the future. The process is shown below.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

List of the subordinate conjunctions and their example sentences

I write this post in connection with the brief of sentence structures and as I mentioned in my previous post of List of conjunctive adverbs and their example sentences. Subordinate conjunction, in addition to the conjunctive adverb, is the second type I want to memo onto my blog and share with you.

For more information, the dependent clause is the subordinate clause and the subordinate clause can be the adverbial clause or the adjective clause or the noun clause (also known as nominal clause). However those clauses have the different functions: the adverbial clause functions like adverb in the sentence while the adjective clause functions like adjective in the sentence and the noun clause functions like noun (subject, object and complement, etc.) in the sentence.

Again, the adverbial clauses are after the subordinate conjunctions and function like adverbs to indicate time, condition, purpose, reason, result, contrast, place, manner and degree.  Accordingly, the list of subordinate conjunctions and their example sentences will be categorized upon their indicating in my writing.