Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Learn by video of PivotTable Report in Tabular Form

The topic video presents the process from the data list to the finished report in the designed visual style.  In accordance with the video, we know where we can insert the PivotTable report from the data list and what we have to do with the field list. Additionally, the dropdown lists within those building functions show the displaying results when we choose them.
We have already talked about the building functions on the several posts so we will focus more on this video at the dropdown lists within the building functions.

As we know, the arrangement in the field list’s area is very important. The primary key field should be placed at the first column from the left hand side of the Row Labels and then followed with its secondary or sub field. The Column Labels also need the order of the fields to make values correct. The dropdown list about the positions can help us to move around these areas.

Another dropdown list is from the right click around the PivotTable Report Area. This right click provides us to manage our field settings to have the format for our numbers and subtotals and statistics for our focus points. However, we have more to play on the right click which can make the report better and better.

Moreover, the PivotTable Tools’ Tabs of Options & Design with their Ribbons, relative with the functions above, enable us to make the report in good design and to add the calculating formulae into the report.
Hope that this video & its briefing would help you understand the PivotTable report increasingly.

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