Saturday, January 19, 2013

List of the subordinate conjunctions and their example sentences

I write this post in connection with the brief of sentence structures and as I mentioned in my previous post of List of conjunctive adverbs and their example sentences. Subordinate conjunction, in addition to the conjunctive adverb, is the second type I want to memo onto my blog and share with you.

For more information, the dependent clause is the subordinate clause and the subordinate clause can be the adverbial clause or the adjective clause or the noun clause (also known as nominal clause). However those clauses have the different functions: the adverbial clause functions like adverb in the sentence while the adjective clause functions like adjective in the sentence and the noun clause functions like noun (subject, object and complement, etc.) in the sentence.

Again, the adverbial clauses are after the subordinate conjunctions and function like adverbs to indicate time, condition, purpose, reason, result, contrast, place, manner and degree.  Accordingly, the list of subordinate conjunctions and their example sentences will be categorized upon their indicating in my writing.